White papers
1.Increase Endurance Up to 32%
2.Increase Sweating rate by Up to 26%
3.Reduces Workout Time by up to 90%
4.Greater Weight Loss
5.Greater Fat Loss
6.Increase Workout Calorie Burn Up to 300%
7.Increase Flexibility Up to 205%
8.ncreased Core Temperature
9.Enhanced Calorie Burn Up to 24 Hours After Workout
10.Hyperthermia Can Increase Muscle Regrowth by Over 30%
11.Increases Exercise Thermogenesis Up to 2 to 3 Fold
12.Improves Fitness-Workout Results by 200 – 400% Up to 1600%
13.Hyperthermic conditioning helps you build a better brain
14.Hyperthermic conditioning can increase release of Prolactin which helps brain funtion neurogenesis & repair of nerve cell damage
15.Reduced Appetite
16.Heat Acclimation and Improved Cardiovascular Performance
17.Core Temperature
18.Hyperthermic Conditioning (Dr. Rhonda Patrick)
19.Reduction of Chronic Pain
20.Increased BDNF
21.Sauna and Increased Longevity (Dr. Rhonda Patrick)
22.Alzheimer’s Disease
23.Heat Shock proteins (HSPs)
24.Active Thermal Exercise White Paper (APL)